
In the Kitchen With: Hannah Purvis

In the Kitchen With: Hannah Purvis

Hey foodie, recognise this face from our insta? Meet Hannah from @consciouslybyhannah, the ultimate triple threat - she's a recipe guru, naturopath and content whiz all rolled into one (amazing, right?)

We caught up with Hannah in the kitchen to chat more about her secret cooking tips, her go-to Crumble pieces, and why whipping up healthy, delicious meals means so much to her.

Let's start things off with a little ice breaker, can you tell us a bit about yourself and what you do behind the scenes of @consciouslybyhannah?

“I’m Hannah and I'm a Naturopath (BHSc, NHAA) turned content creator on a mission to make healthy living easy and fun again!”

“When I was growing up, information about how to live a healthy, chemical-free lifestyle was nowhere near as abundant so when it came to choosing a career path, I knew I wanted to help others make healthier choices.” 

“When I’m not filming recipes/lifestyle tips and sharing them with my Instagram community, you can find me coaching my clients and empowering them with the tools they need to integrate healthy changes into their lifestyle.”

Wow, is there anything you can't do?! You mentioned earlier that food has always been a part of your healing journey, what do you love about cooking and why do you cook?

I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance as a teen so learning to cook (and learning to love this new version of it) quickly became a necessity.” 

“Because of this, I made it my mission to recreate all my favourite family recipes within the constraints of being gluten and dairy free… and I got pretty good at it, if I don’t say so myself!”

All that experimenting definitely paid off, do you have any cooking tips you can share?

“Cooking should be fun and not scary! No one is asking you to be Jaime Oliver. Herbs and spices are also your best friend in the kitchen so don’t be afraid to use them.”

“At the moment, I’ve been experimenting with sauces and how they can be used multiple times throughout the week to reduce my time in the kitchen. This week, we’re enjoying a dairy-free pesto sauce as a pasta base, spread and dipping sauce!”

Okay, we're definitely going to need that pesto recipe. Let's talk Crumble! Do you have a go-to product?

“How long have you got? I’m head-over-heels obsessed and ready to declare my love for Crumble pots and pans until death does us apart.”

“That sounds dramatic but Crumble is the first cookware company that ticked all my boxes! The first time I washed up after cooking with my Shallow Dutch, I literally called my fiancé downstairs to show him how easily it cleaned.” 

“Choosing a favourite is impossible but my Shallow Dutch and Ceramic Deep Fry Pan are on heavy rotation in my house!” 


Shallow Dutch Oven in Hermes Blue 

Deep Fry Pan in Pink Sand

Oh my, you're making us blush! Speaking of cooking, we hear you've been dying to share a new recipe with us? 

“When it comes to breakfast, I’m usually a savoury gal but I’ve had so many of my clients ask for a sweet brekkie recipe.”

“I love this recipe so much, and it’s maybe converted me to the sweet side. I present to you my Blueberry Cheesecake Baked Oats!”


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One Pan Creamy Tomato Gnocchi
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