
In the Kitchen with: Maddy Pitt

In the Kitchen with: Maddy Pitt

Calling all mamas! Meet Maddy - she’s a mum of two, a certified nutritionist and a rising star in the content creation world, on a mission to make healthy eating simple, fun and delicious for busy families. 

We caught up with Maddy in her cosy kitchen to discuss her exciting move into content creation, her favourite Crumble pieces, and why she believes meal prep is the ultimate time saver. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or just getting started, Maddy’s tips and recipes are sure to inspire and elevate your family’s meal routine. 

Hi Maddy, we’re so excited to be here in your kitchen! Can you give us a glimpse of what happens behind-the-scenes of @mamanutritionist? 

“I’m a mother of two little ones and a nutritionist. I [also recently] started working as a recipe developer and content creator. [I loved] the idea of bringing my creative passions and past career experiences together.”

Wow, we might have to start calling you Maddy: the triple threat! You talked about merging your creative side with your culinary side. Can you tell us more about where your passion for cooking comes from? 

I love that cooking certain dishes and cuisines can teach you about the cultures of the world and history. I love that the smells of cooking can take you back to your Nanna’s kitchen when you were a child or a street vendor you walked past in Puerto Rico. But the main reason I cook is so that I can nourish myself, my family and friends.”

“[This is definitely reflected in my cooking style as I’ve recently been prioritising cooking] meals that my whole family can enjoy. [But] if I'm cooking for just myself, I like to get a little more creative and play around with flavours.” 

Between juggling motherhood and creating killer content, how do you balance it all? Any fun hacks or pearls of wisdom for the superhero moms out there? 

“[Haha] sometimes it can get a little chaotic - cooking, shooting, editing and doing admin with two energetic toddlers. [But] I love the flexibility of working from home and I adore that I get to spend more time with my daughters.”

“[There’s no right or wrong way to do things but my one tip is meal prep and making big batches.] It always pays to have some nourishing homemade meals stashed in the freezer for when your time is poor, or when you don’t feel like cooking.” 

Absolutely, meal prepping is such a life saver! Now let’s get to the juicy stuff, what made you fall in love with Crumble? 

“[Supporting and buying locally is something I always look out for when sourcing groceries and things for my kitchen] and I love that Crumble is Australian-owned.”

“My trusty workhorses are the Shallow Casserole and the Mini Dutch in Broccoli Green. [Because of this] the cast iron range is [definitely] my favourite to cook with and I appreciate the visual beauty of it. [It’s the sort of cookware] that doesn’t need to be hidden away in the cupboards.”

We always knew you had impeccable taste! Is it just us, or does being in a kitchen make anyone else hungry? Do you have any delicious creations you’ve been dying to share? 

“At the moment my go-to is a One-Pot Maple Chicken with Brussel Sprouts, Sweet Potato and Bacon. It’s [super] easy, is the perfect meal prep recipe] and the whole family loves it!”

“[I usually serve this with] garlic rice on the side [and if you don’t have sweet potato, I like substituting with whatever else is in my fridge like] carrots or pumpkin.


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